27th September 2017

A totalitarian government is one which will attempt to control every aspect of the lives of the people by putting very strict laws in place. This is because it gives them a sense of empowerment. A common element which is generally featured in dystopias is the government controlling the minds and actions of their people. The state is typically run by a totalitarian government in dystopias. The books ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ by George Orwell, ‘The Handmaids Tail’ by Margaret Atwood and the film ‘Minority Report’ directed by Steven Spielberg, all deal with this idea of an over-controlling government which somehow leads to the protagonist rebelling against the government.


  • Establishes the over-arching idea/ aspect
  • Identify the texts you will refer to
  • Expand on what conclusions this has lead you to

Dystopian texts usually feature the idea of a totalitarian state controlling the lives of it’s people through language. Texts which show this are the books ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ by George Orwell, ‘The Handmaid’s Tail’ by Margaret Atwood and the film ‘Minority Report’ directed by Steven Spielberg.

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